A lot of homes builders pretend their final products are environmentally friendly, but a residence made entirely out of wooden pallets is exactly what you might end up with if you’re truly committed to having a low carbon footprint on the environment. Be warned though, pallets should be treated before acting like walls. But they do a fine job as building structures nonetheless. I-Beam Architecture and Design shows you just how prototypes from the early 2000s have blended a complex design with an appealing aspect to form a beautiful home. The pallets are being used to make the porch, the door, the walls and even the roof. There are a few designs that work well with this type of building creatively and with consideration toward the surrounding environment. And if you’re already using pallets as furniture (bed, table etc.) what best medium to place them than a house made entirely out of pallets? So, if you are about to build your own home, or are planning to do so in the next few years, take this option into consideration. Have a closer look over this award winning homes made out of pallets and decide whether you are going to take the bold step into this direction.